Garron Hoosier

Garron Hoosier

Secondary Mathematics Education
Class of 2025
Scottsboro, AL

Why did you decide to come to MSU and pursue a degree in education?

I wanted to have a college experience further away from where I grew up,and I felt coming to MSU would give me an opportunity to meet new people far away from the small town I grew up in. Coming to Mississippi State has opened up so many new experiences to me and is probably a huge part of why I decided to change into education. Getting away from old expectations has allowed me to pursue what I've wanted to do all along, which is to help students succeed just as my teachers helped me succeed. 

What do you want people to know about you?

I really enjoy all kinds of music and sports (especially baseball and soccer), but I also like learning new things/meeting new people. 

What advice would you give to entering freshmen or students finishing up high school?

Do not start the habit of skipping class. You'll see a lot of people struggle, especially freshman year, and a main cause of their struggle is because they aren't going to class. If you go to class and are able to establish a good relationship with your professors, it goes a long way especially in a class where you may struggle.