Anna Conine

Anna Conine

Secondary Mathematics Education
Class of 2025
Biloxi, MS

Why did you decide to come to MSU and pursue a degree in education?

I chose MSU because METP and the School of Education gives me the opportunity to get an early hands on experience in the classroom that I could not get anywhere else.  The programs here are forward thinking and focused on expanding the educational system to move along with the evolution of society.  These aspects were important to me in deciding where to attend college as they aligned with why I wanted to teach: to expand the educational system to focus more on preparing for the future whether that be college, trade school, or military.

What do you want people to know about you?

METP is not the only organization I am involved in.  I am a member of the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for women and a member of the Famous Maroon Band.  Along with my major, I am also pursuing a minor in Music.

What advice would you give to entering freshmen or students finishing up high school?

School and grades are important, but the most important thing is taking time to care for yourself.  If you are healthy in mind, body, and soul then nothing can stop you from achieving your goals!